Young Professionals Group

Pratham's Young Professionals Group is a community of leaders and entrepreneurs united in their desire to help change the lives of millions of children each year by empowering them with education. Providing a platform for connecting socially with other passionate philanthropists, our Young Professionals Group builds support for our programmes through awareness-building events and activities.

As a member of Pratham’s Young Professionals Group, you'll gain access to unique mentoring and networking opportunities as well as learning more about where your donations go. We will be relaunching the group in Summer 2024 - sign up here to join us!


“Thank you so much for last night. Really wasn't expecting the talk to be as insightful as it was. Mr. Rakesh Kapoor was very inspirational - think I'll definitely be sending an application off to RB!”
Riman Khangure, Final Year student, Kings College London

“It was a truly inspiring event, hearing Rakesh speak was an amazing experience. Looking forward to the next one already!”
Gavin Goveia, Senior Manager – Capital Markets, Accenture

“I thought Mr. Anshu Jain’s Q&A session was super especially his views on cricket and luck!”
Gaurav Gooptu, Vice President, Barclays Investment Banking Division

Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a community to educate one. In this way, Our Young Proffesional Group brings together passionate people from all walks of life who support Pratham with a common bond: To improve the education of India's children.

Join us and become a part of the Pratham community.