Pratham's TaRL approach recognised as a "great buy" in new report

The Global Education Evidence Advisory Panel (GEEAP) recently launched their latest “Smart Buys” report, 2023 Cost-effective approaches to improve global learning, at the Education World Forum in the UK.
GEEAP, which is convened by the World Bank, FCDO, UNICEF and USAID, aims to provide policymakers with a user-friendly summary of the best and most up-to-date evidence on cost-effective interventions at scale.
The report recommends cost-effective interventions for improving children’s learning based on rigorous global research. In the report, GEEAP categorised various education policies and programs into different groups, ranging from “Great Buys” to “Bad Buys.”
Among the top recommendations in the “Great Buys” category is Pratham’s Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) approach, which is noted as being a highly effective, cost effective and evidence-based solution.
TaRL recognises that children can fall behind and struggle to keep up with their grade-level curriculum. Instructors conduct one-on-one assessments, which determine each student’s current learning level and tailor their learning assignments and instructions accordingly. Moving away from an outdated “one size fits all” education model that does not serve each student’s individual learning needs.
Pratham UK’s Executive Director, Nick Sankey said: “TaRL has successfully reached millions of children, teachers and communities worldwide. This personalised approach to learning has proven to be an effective way to accelerate learning and help children catch up to their peers. We’re immensely proud of this achievement and congratulate our teams in India for changing the lives of so many children through the TaRL approach.”
Find out more about Pratham’s Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) approach.